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Politics Watch
6 February 2024
335 KB
Further headwinds for LDP from local elections over weekend; snap general election still far away
Daiwa's View
2 February 2024
381 KB
New anomaly in new NISA era?
Yen selling towards Tokyo middle rate on second business day of every month
Daiwa's View
31 January 2024
687 KB
Dec JOLTS report / Quarterly Refunding stabilized term premium
US yields are continuing to face downward pressure on term premium in line with downward revisions to borrowing estimates in Quarterly Refunding
Daiwa's View
30 January 2024
614 KB
USD/JPY hedging costs are likely to enter downtrend
USD/JPY basis tends to narrow in line with loosening of US financial conditions
Slowdown in pace of QT is expected to contribute to loosening of financial conditions
Rate hikes by BOJ would also contribute to a decline in hedging costs, but pace of Fed rate cuts is more important
Daiwa's View
24 January 2024
715 KB
Jan MPM: BOJ presents market with positive stance
New wording added to Outlook Report that “The likelihood of realizing this outlook has continued to gradually rise”
Governor emphasized in press conference that accommodative financial conditions would be maintained
Upside for long-term rate will be limited as long as leeway for rate hikes is limited
Politics Watch
23 January 2024
340 KB
Sudden disbanding of Kishida faction results in modest good fortune for PM Kishida
Modest benefits from sudden disbanding of Kishida faction; early mass Cabinet resignation now less likely
Candidate backed by ruling LDP wins Hachioji mayoral election in upset
Respondents in Yomiuri, Asahi Shimbun polls largely applaud disbanding of Kishida faction; declining support for Kishida’s administration temporarily stops
Drastic political fundraising/faction reforms, income growth outpacing price hikes needed to truly shore up support for current administration
Daiwa's View
22 January 2024
455 KB
Signposts for 2024—Expected BOJ Jan meeting highlights
BOJ Jan Outlook Report forecast FY24 core CPI likely revised downward, but big move for core-core CPI unlikely
New messaging at BOJ Gov Ueda’s press conference? Wage hike effects, forward-looking statements, increased certainty for realizing 2% price stability target since last meeting?
BOJ must not miss golden opportunity!
Politics Watch
22 January 2024
320 KB
LDP fundraising scandal could hamper break from deflation
Investigation into ruling LDP’s fundraising scandal has come to a close for now; ruling LDP avoids worst-case scenario, but summary indictment of Kishida faction’s former treasurer is noteworthy
PM Kishida focusing on overcoming deflation, especially wage hikes exceeding rising prices
Efforts to break from deflation could stall if Kishida held accountable as former head of punished faction, thus limiting his ability to push for higher wages